Friday, March 30, 2012

28 -- Jozef and Nina Meet Once Again

That night, as he finished supper, he was still wondering what to do. He couldn’t just approach Maja. He had no right to do that. On the other hand, he really wanted to know what was going on with Maja and the circus manager.

Finally he decided to try to talk to Nina one more time the next day, the last day of the circus’ visit. They would have one last performance in the early afternoon, and then pack up and leave. If he could just talk to her, maybe he could figure out what to do.

The next day, after stabling his horse at the pub, he decided on an impulse to go to the tree first. After all, every time he’d met Nina, it had been on the last day of the circus’s performances, and under a tree.

He climbed up the small path and saw a female form reclining against the tree. It was Nina!

He stepped closer and his shadow fell over her. She looked up and he sat down next to her. “So we meet under a tree once again,” he said.

She did not smile. “What happened to you? Are you not a priest anymore?”

“I never felt the calling, and I finally decided to leave the priesthood.”

“What are you doing for a living now?”

“I’m the manager for Konrad Bukowski’s lands in this area. I really like this job, Nina. It makes me feel the way the priesthood never did. I work with the local people, and I know I can help them. I keep the books and other affairs in order. It comes easy to me and I enjoy doing it. I’m so much happier.” Jozef realized he was rambling on, but he felt that he had to justify himself and his decision.

Nina said, “I’m glad you’re happy. I have to go now. We’re leaving soon.”

As Nina rose, Jozef remembered Maja and the circus manager. “I have this friend, Maja. She is Konrad’s daughter.”

Nina tensed. She turned to him, her eyes flashing lightning bolts. “As I told you before, I’m married now. It’s better if I don’t ever see you again. Good bye.”

Jozef knew that he’d said something wrong. It’s just that Nina had his heart beating so fast, it seemed he had a fever. His mind was muddled, but he felt he needed to warn her and figure out what had happened. He tried again. “Just a minute. I saw Maja with your husband the other day. I just wondered…”

Nina fled down the path before he could finish his sentence.

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