Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mustard and Love 24

Isabella ordered a ham sandwich and a soft drink, and Daphne was happy with half a chef’s salad. Serena smiled at her burger with French fries.
While Serena munched on a fry with ketchup, Daphne pushed her salad away and leaned forward. “You’re been so deep in thought the last few days. Is it boyfriend trouble?”
Isabella put down her sandwich. “How did you know?”
Serena giggled. “A person must be blind not to notice. You’re so quiet, and sometimes you just stand there, thinking. It has to be a boyfriend.”
“And from the looks of it, it must be trouble, not something pleasant,” Daphne added, a smile on her beautiful face.
Serena’s voice toned down almost to a whisper. “You can tell us. What are girlfriends for if you can’t tell them?”
Yes, indeed. Isabella had kept to herself after Fernando had left her because she was embarrassed to confess he’d proposed to her almost as a joke, and then forsaken her and Tony. At that time, too, her best friend, Rose, had just been married and didn’t seem to have much time for her anymore. So Isabella decided to not confide in anyone and carry the burden of her abandonment on her own shoulders. After all, she was strong and had lived through worse.
But now, as she looked into Daphne’s concerned face and Serena’s guileless eyes, she decided the time had come to talk. It would clarify things in her own mind, too.
“You’re both right,” she said. “It’s ex-boyfriend trouble, and I don’t quite know what to make of it all.”

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