Monday, April 9, 2012

36 -- Jozef Has a Plan

Jozef held out his hand. “I’m Jozef Wawrzyniak, from the Bukowsky estate in Paszowice. I bring news of Maja Bukowsky.”

Wizlaw stepped back and opened the door wide. “Come in, come in. How is Panna Bukowsky?”

Josef walked into a small kitchen. A wood stove stood in one corner, putting out waves of comfortable heat. Wizlaw passed through the tiny room into the next partition. A large play pen fronted a comfortable looking sofa. Two little girls, maybe two and four, sat in the playpen, dressing two cloth dolls and pretending to be their moms. Wizlaw pointed to the sofa and Jozef sat.

Wizlaw pulled an easy chair out of a corner and sat in front of Jozef. “Is Panna Bukowski doing well?”

Jozef bent forward. “First, I have to tell you that I have Panna Budowski’s complete confidence, but I did not tell her that I would go and see you.”

Wizlaw shook his head. “I don’t understand. Are you her brother?”

“I’m not. I am the estate manager. But I arrived at the estate as a priest, and Maja and I have formed a close friendship. I feel for her as if she were my sister. In the last few months, Maja has been losing weight, and she is not able to take joy in her life. In an effort to cheer her up, her father introduced her to several eligible men, and one of them would be delighted to become her husband. Maja however, is miserable. So she finally confided in me.”

Konrad balled his fists. “I have tried my hardest to obtain a position where I would be acceptable to her father as her husband. I have not been successful. I would die to keep Maja from living a life of unhappiness. What else can I do?”

“I have an idea. Have you managed an estate before?”
“Yes, I have, in Germany, before I met my first wife. She and her whole family were members of a circus, and when we got married, we joined with Circus Francesco, who was giving a guest performance in Germany. You see, my wife didn’t get along with her family and gladly left them behind when we moved to Poland with the circus.”

“So there is no way you can get a recommendation from your former employer?”

“Luckily, I still have my recommendation, but it’s in German. That, and the fact that I’m traveling with a circus, has made it almost impossible for me to obtain a managing position outside of the circus.”

“Don’t worry. Your recommendation it a lucky stroke. Panje Bukowski speaks German. Here is what I propose: You come with me to the Bukowski estate. With your recommendation and my support, I’m sure Panje Bukowski will give you a try.”

Wizlaw shook his head. “I’m confused. Didn’t you say you are the manager there?”

“Yes, I am. But I’m planning to quit.”

“And you’re willing to let me have your position?”

“Actually, what I’m planning is even more complicated than that.”

Wizlaw chuckled. “I have complications, too.” He pointed to the girls in the playpen. The younger one was lying down, hugging her doll and sleeping. The other was rocking another doll, almost asleep herself.

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